Online Resources

Websites - Visit and explore the positive talents that give rise to dyslexia and share knowledge about the best ways dyslexic people learn.

Recommended Books, Tapes, and CD’s

(Available at the Davis Online Bookstore and Amazon)

The Gift of Dyslexia: Why Some of the Smartest People Can't Read and How They Can Learn


By Ron Davis, with Eldon Braun.
This is the first book about dyslexic thinking written by a dyslexic author. Based on 15 years of research, it tells how dyslexics can learn to read, write and study normally within a matter of months. This book contains two-dozen photos and detailed descriptions of core techniques used by Davis facilitators. 
Price: $16.95
Available in a dyslexic-friendly book, audiocassette, and CD.



The Gift of Learning: Methods for ADD, Math & Handwriting Problems

By Ronald D. Davis with Eldon M. Braun
From the authors of The Gift of Dyslexia, this book provides detailed instruction in the methods developed for addressing math, attention focus, and handwriting problems. It includes a special section on motivation. 
Price: $14.95

Upside-Down Brilliance: The Visual-Spatial Learner

By Linda Kreger Silverman
This book explores the unique learning strengths of visual-spatial learners, with an overview of the latest research and suggested teaching techniques. It is highly recommended for teachers, parents, and homeschoolers. 
Price: $24.95

The Everything Parent's Guide To Children With Dyslexia

By Abigail Marshall
This book is a “must read” for every parent who knows or suspects their child has dyslexia. It provides positive advice and welcome relief from the maze of conflicting information parents encounter about their child's learning needs.
It includes information about testing for dyslexia, school choices, treatment methods, the IEP process, and practical suggestions for help with homework from elementary through high school years.
Price: $14.95

Peterson's Colleges for Students With Learning Disabilities

This book contains detailed information on U.S. and Canadian colleges and universities with programs for students with different learning styles and needs.
Price: $32.95